Adventure in Perspective (2)

In this ongoing series, Brianna Tade shares her thoughts on why adventure is important to us and what that means.  

An ongoing theme in adventure is the need and desire for a change in environment. We grow too comfortable in our homes, in what we’ve known. There’s an understanding that growth can only come through change, we only have to be brave enough to seek it. 

“For me, adventure is more than traveling. Traveling means something different to everyone. Obviously when you think of travel you think of going on a vacation and whatnot. I guess recently most of the trips I’ve taken [have had] a reason besides just vacationing or taking some time off to go on them.” 

Her whole life, Brianna has lived in California. The bland suburbs of Orange County have always been called home. There’s a hill top in Aliso Viejo she’s sat on before, right above a strip mall next to a business center. To the left are the Saddleback mountains. In the middle, the ever expanding homes of the suburbs. 

The colors blend together, drowning the eyes. The hot sun bleaches the landscape. The mind feels lost, wanting more. 

“I just don’t like southern California. I really detest it. I think why I want to leave so much is because I’ve realized when I do take a step out of my little Orange County bubble I grow so much as a person.” 

That’s exactly what she’s done. Recently, Brianna had the opportunity to go to the Philippines to spread her grandfather’s ashes. So she left the bubble behind and found herself instead in a completely subversive experience where she was able to connect to her heritage as well as family members she had never met before. 

Now, Brianna goes to school in Portland, Oregon, and relishes the change in environment. She continues to reach out beyond her home for new experiences outside of home.

“When you’re put in a different setting, forced to adapt your ways to a different kind of lifestyle, you learn things about yourself that you didn’t know. I spent a lot of time with myself more in this past year and I’ve realized how I’ve been able to mature through that as a person. Growth comes from leaving the place you’ve always known.”

Catherine Norby